About us

Our family is made up of much testestarone and me. Fred, Me, Chris, Daryl, Myles and Preston. Chris is grown with 2 boys of his own. Daryl was taken from us on April 20th, 2008. We will be reunited with him in Gods time. Myles is going into Third Grade and Preston into First Grade this year. We call Surprise, AZ home and enjoy the Arizona fall and winters!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Luke Air Show and Boys Spring Concert

Fred and Preston
The boys and I at the Air Show

Preston sitting in a helicopter. He actually WANTED to sit in there, we stood in a long line. I know it looks like he's being forced...

Preston and his best friend Gabe(yellow shirt) at the School Spring Concert.

They all look so thrilled to be there :)

Preston giving "the fist" to someone...probably his music teacher...Oh Lord, help me...At least Gabe appears to be amused...

Myles with his class mates

Actually singing this year...

Myles and Victoria. (His "girlfriend")

I'm not ready for all this talk of girlfriends and who's broke up and who he "loves"...I thought I'd have a couple more years at least...


Adrianne said...

That air show looks so cool. My boys would've loved it too. I've never sat in a "hepticopter", as Gavin calls it. How fun!

Cute spring concert photos. I love "the fist".

Handsome boys!!!

Nikki said...

great pictures and videos! I'm with Adrianne, I love "the fist" picture! It cracks me up!